
Case Study #1

Case Study #1

Case Study #1

Conscious Budgeting Revolution

Conscious Budgeting Revolution

Conscious Budgeting Revolution

The Client

The Client

The Client

Our client is a mid-sized e-commerce company that sells home goods and furniture online. They have been in business for 5 years and have a steady base of customers. However, their growth had plateaued over the past year. They wanted to increase brand awareness and drive more traffic to their website to boost sales.

The Challenge

The client had a limited advertising budget and needed a cost-effective solution to reach new audiences and drive conversions. Their products appeal to a broad demographic, making targeted outreach difficult. We needed an advertising strategy that could increase their visibility without breaking the bank.

Our Solution

Our Solution

Our Solution

We recommended a paid search campaign focused on relevant keywords across Google, Bing, and YouTube. Based on the client's products, target keywords included terms like "furniture," "home decor," "kitchen accessories," and more.

We developed text, display, and video ads tailored specifically to our target keywords. The ads highlighted the key benefits of the client's products, like quality, style, and competitive pricing.

The ads linked directly to relevant landing pages on the client's website to encourage conversions. The landing pages were optimized for conversions by showcasing product images, prices, reviews, and clear calls-to-action.




Within the first 3 months, the paid search campaign generated over 800,000 impressions and 25,000 clicks to the client's website. Their cost-per-click averaged just $1.20, an efficient use of their budget.

Most importantly, the campaign drove a 32% increase in new website sessions and a 21% increase in online revenue compared to the previous year. The client was thrilled with the substantial growth and excited to continue expanding their paid search efforts.




Our targeted paid search strategy successfully increased awareness of our client's brand and drove measurable results for their e-commerce business. Our campaign achieved strong ROI at a modest budget, providing a scalable model for future growth.

Conscious 2023
